Thursday, January 2, 2020

Charles Thao. Mrs. Koth. 4Th Hour. 4/6/17. William...

Charles Thao Mrs. Koth 4th hour 4/6/17 William Shakespeare’s, Othello, a character named Iago said â€Å"O, beware, my lord, of jealousy: It is a green-eyed monster.† In present day, this quote would mean the word jealousy. Shakespeare is believed to be warning people people that jealousy widely effective and could cause havoc. In The Tragedy of Othello, by William Shakespeare, the feeling of jealousy can make people change their feelings towards something and make them pursue what they want. The first act of Othello is already into action. Iago is furious after hearing something that is not his liking. Othello says â€Å"I have already chose my officer. Forsooth, a great arithmetician, one Michael Cassio† Iago did not receive the†¦show more content†¦Iago brain washes Othello about Desdemona having an affair with Cassio. Othello becomes enraged when Iago goes in perspective. While angered, Othello has made a decision to eliminate his own wife, Desdemona, and Cassio. â€Å"Damn h er, lewd minx!/O damn her!/ Come, go with me apart; I will withdraw, to furnish me some swift means of death for the fair devil.† Othello is ready to kill Desdemona and his lieutenant, well, former lieutenant, Cassio; furthermore, jealousy has taken over. As we move on to the fourth act, Othello still has control of himself. A conversation between Iago and Cassio is overheard by Othello. â€Å"Now he tells how she plucked him to my chamber. O, I see that nose of yours, not not the dog I’ll throw it to.† Iago made this conversation a set-up, making it look like they are talking about Desdemona. Othello’s plan to kill Cassio no has reached a full 100 percent intent. â€Å"Lie with her, lie on her!/ We say lie on her, when they belie her./ Lie with her!/ That’s fulsome.† Said by Othello, full of rage once hears the news from Iago. The choices Othello will make will be from his acts of jealousy. The fifth and final act of Othello, Othe llo will not be himself no more. Desdemona is suffocated and killed by Othello. â€Å"Being done, there is no pause.† Othello then hears the truth; furthermore, forcing to kill himself. â€Å"I kiss thee ere kill’d thee: no way but this, killing myself, to die upon

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